Juices and Food OR Juices and NO Food?
What Makes Our Body Cleanse Plans Unique?
Doing one of Tippy’s Body Cleanse Plans gives your body a 1-3 day nutrient infusion. Tippy’s special cold pressed juices flood your system with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
In the re-hydrating process, your system will be given an extra boost of vitality and a welcome rest from your body having to process and digest heavy foods.
Based on sound principles, Tippy does not advocate removing food as part of her juice program unless you choose to. Instead Tippy’s special recommendations focus on optimal absorption of vitamins and minerals and balancing the juices with sources of protein and fiber.
Juices from Tippy’s Special Body Cleanse Plans are cold pressed with only natural and organic produce (like celery, cucumber, mint and parsley etc.) alongside unique wholefood ingredients like ginger and Hawaiian Turmeric. Our Turmeric and Ginger shots and specialty Almond Espresso Milk make the one and three day plans varied, unique and a pleasure to consume.
Recommended Tip:
A Juice Should Be Combined With A Food That Has Protein Or Fiber
It’s recommended that on a one or three day juice plan, you drink 16 ounces of water a half hour before consuming your juice with some type of protein, like nuts, egg whites, high quality vegan cheese, tofu, fish or grilled chicken.
You can also consume a healthy fat source like avocado.
You can also try enjoying two pieces of Ezekiel bread per day on the 3 day plan, 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening, as the fiber also helps with nutrient absorption and can prevent hunger.
One hour after consuming one of the juices in your plan, you can drink your daily 2 ounce Turmeric and Ginger shot.
If you choose a plan that includes Espresso Almond Milk, the milk can be consumed on its own or as part of your meals.